Kathy, Jean, Daphne,
Erin, Brendan, Owen and Tessa
Lake Side Cabin Resort
Three Oaks, MI
July, 2022

Jean ordered food for our trip from Walmart but then realized it was the wrong Walmart
So the four of us and all our stuff and bedding in my Equinox stopped for the food
We were laughing quite hardily when the guy delivering the food handed it to us to squeeze in the car
We all had food on our laps and at our feet except Daphne who was driving
It was memorable, laughing fun....The best kind!

Our cabin with the loft for the Grandchildren....Owen....Jean....Jean and I had the bedroom on the main floor

Tessa's fidget toy....Owen's light reading (The Iliad and The Odyssey) for the trip....Tessa then Owen plays with slime

Tessa in front of the Michigan map....Tessa messing with Erin....Tessa beating Daphne and Erin with a blue bra we found in some camping bedding

That's not a tennis ball....THIS is a tennis ball (for four square)....Playing four square....Brendan in a chair....The sisters in a chair

Jayce Bultema (One of Jean's neighbors) found a creepy doll head....The doll head in various places in our cabin

Playing in the pool

Kayaks and paddle boards....Owen with a magic paddle

Tessa flipped her paddle board and smiled all through her fall

Eating and playing in the shelter....Daphne won a Grogu toaster playing bingo and she is rightly proud of it

Brendan and Erin....Visit to Downtown....A Gorilla family

This is actually "our" drive-in....I went to pay after Jean did and the guy said I owed an extra $10 because Jean didn't have enough money
I gave him the money and he actually gave me one of her tickets....only in Indiana....very funny

The girls sat in the back of Jean's vehicle....We saw Jurrasic World....very good....A deer

Fun posing

Always ready for an ice cream break....The Stray Dog....A "must eat here" place that was very good
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