Erin Turns 16

And Halloween 2020

October, 2020

For some reason, Erin prefers to have her "Birthday Hat" picture taken in the car and not the restaurant
We had a great dinner at Malt Brothers Brewing in St. John

I did indeed have a slideshow for Erin and Jean
I had these printed out:  Matthew Gubler wearing the Birthday Hat (Erin and I both like him in Criminal Minds) and
I'm getting new glasses so we have to pick out a frame for them...I also had post-it notes to remind me what to tell

Kathy and Jean....Erin opening gifts....she particularly liked her card with Dogs Barking Happy Birthday...just kidding

Heading to Target for a couple more gifts....Erin showing both colors of her hair....Kathy

Out to lunch with Jim, Anna, Daphne and James....Erin is a gamer

My book pumpkin celebrates Halloween

Kyle really likes handing out Halloween candy so Jim made him this contraption to keep him safe from the Covid!...They also carved pumpkins

Becky always has "tricks" with her treats so she gets a lot of repeat trick-or-treaters....I like this years trick (you never know what to expect!)

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