Silver Spring, Maryland

July, 2010

Kathy and Becky
Eileen, Carrie, Cherie, Chris and Spence

Eileen picked us up from the airport and we lunched at The Village Pub in Silver Spring.
This bar is the new Lassen's for Eileen and the girls.
We had white pizza....pretty good and real garlicky.

The three Mickey Mouse tattoos reunited....We settled in for the evening and planned our activities

On Friday, I woke up at 5ish to a 3.6 earthquake!  I watched news coverage about it on the local news stations.
And it was my birthday!

Damage from the earthquake
Seriously, there was no reported damage or injuries

We headed to lunch in Baltimore at the Rusty Scupper.
While waiting for lunch time, we were intrigued by The American Visionary Art Museum.

Becky....Kathy....Detail of the glass mosaic

We were not allowed to take pictures in the museum.  We were enjoying the displays when:

We were evacuated because of the smell of gas in the basement!

We were directed to another building and then outside where we were able to take pictures.

Eileen and Kathy enjoy some fountains

A bird, nest and egg....The egg....Detail of the egg
We were allowed to return to the main museum building to continue our enjoyment

This is the fortune I got from one of those gypsy thingys in the Art Museum Gift Shop.
Everything rises but to fall?  What the hell?
I have to relate well to people?  Me?  No thanks!
If things are not always smooth?  What kind of fortune is this?

The Rusty Scupper....Cherie checks out the view....A pirate attacks a pirate ship....The Inner Harbour

Friday evening Becky, Eileen, Carrie, Cherie, Chris, Spence and I went to Lee Lynn's to celebrate my birthday.
We had a great dinner and great time.

On Saturday we headed to the American History Smithsonian
The White House....The Washington Monument....I couldn't resist making this smily face

Kathy by pretty flowers....Becky....A sculpture

The Security Checkpoint Incident

This is the purse I tried to get through security.
I unzipped the middle and opened the side snaps (I'm a good traveler).
Then the security lady pulled this from my purse:

I was horrified!
Eileen, Becky and Cherie were laughing so hard I was convinced one of them had planted it on me!
Turns out it accidentally fell in my purse which I kept hanging on a kitchen chair at Eileen's.
At least Eileen can now say she has a knife at the Smithsonian!

The only place were weren't allowed to take pictures was the old American Flag exhibit.
I found a picture of the old flag on the internet.
It was very impressive!  And huge!

The Went With the Wind dress Carol Burnett wore on her show.
Cracked us all up just seeing it.
And it was designed by Bob Mackie.

Inaugural dresses worn by Michelle Obama....Jackie Kennedy....Hillary Clinton and Laura Bush.
We really liked this exhibit and spent quite a bit of time here.

Muppet lunch box....Becky....One of many pop-up books.

Greensboro lunch counter....Cherie and Eileen check out Shaft.

Julia Child's Kitchen

Becky and some geek stuff

More geek stuff about nuclear power

Back at Eileen's we played games....And checked out books and souvenirs we bought

Sunday afternoon found us at the Winery

Inside and outside

The black and green olive garnish was particularly good

In the evening we checked out Downtown Silver Spring where the Discovery Channel Building was promoting Shark Week.
We had dinner at Red Lobster....excellent

The Many Faces and Moods Of Sir Jameson


And he's happiest when he is out and about

Eileen, Carrie and Cherie visited Joe and his family

Eileen, the girls, Joe, his three sisters and family friend......Sisters are Becky, Juanice and Mabel

Cherie, Eileen, Carrie and Joe....Cherie, Eileen and Carrie

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