Brian and Becky Ward

September 14, 2002

Click on the small picture to see the larger version

Entering the Church and Jean singing.


Entering the Hall.

The Head Table.

The Cake.

Cutting the Cake.

The Garter and Bouquet Throwing.

The DJ, Flowers, Gift Box and Food.

Dave and MichelleAmy and SteveStevie and JimmyLaura and Jimmy
Amy, Dave and StevieBecky and BrianBrian and BeckyKathy
Jeff and JeanSteve, Jimmy, Dave, Brian and StevieJim, Mike and PatEileen and Pat
Sue and JimMike and BrianCarol and MikeCarol and Mike
Jay and KathyLaura and JimmyJeff and JeanKathy and Terry
JanJames and KellyBernice and PaulMarjorie and Kenny

Devon watching The First Dance.


Eleven Silly Pictures

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